Father Bernard’s Birthday Celebration
Father Bernard’s Birthday Celebration
Sunday January 26th at 1:00 pm at Sacred Heart in the Sacred Shed. It will be a DESSERT POTLUCK.
Come for the cake, stay for the fun!!!
Catholic Kids Media
Catholic Kids Media is an effort to evangelize the culture, providing quality Catholic programming for kids that does not water down Catholicism. We develop resources for parents and teachers to instruct children in the Faith and practices of prayer.
Welcome to Sacred Heart Father Eliseo
Welcome to Sacred Heart Father Eliseo
SAVE THE DATE! Party on February 2, 2025
Stay tuned for more details!
ICF Super Bowl of PB&J Competition
Italian Catholic Federation Super Bowl of PB&J Competition
Donation boxes to collect the jars of peanut butter for Betty Chinn are at the church entrances from now until February 9th, Super Bowl Sunday!
The winning parish will be revealed at the ICF Eureka Branch meeting on Feb 11th at 1:30PM in the Pinochi Room at St. Bernard Church Parish Hall.
Looking For The Bulletin?
You can keep up with what is going on at Sacred Heart parish by reading the articles on our NEWS page. You can navigate there by using the menu at the top of the page or by clicking on the link below.
Check out on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sacredhearteureka
Liturgy Schedule
Sacred Heart – St. Bernard – St. Joseph Parishes
January 17
12:15 pm – Mass @ St. Bernard Church
January 18
3:15 pm Confessions @St. Joseph Church
4:00 pm Mass @ St. Joseph Church
January 19
7:30 am Mass @ St. Joseph Church
9:00 am – Mass in English @ Sacred Heart
10:30 am – Mass @ St. Bernard
12:15 pm – Mass in Spanish @ Sacred Heart
January 20
12:15 pm – Mass @ St. Bernard Church
January 21
7:30 am – Mass @ St. Joseph
January 22
12:15 pm – Mass in Spanish @ St. Bernard Church, followed by Adoration & Confession
6:00 pm – Adoration & Confession @ Sacred Heart Church
7:00 pm – Spanish language Mass @ Sacred Heart Church
January 23
7:30 am – Mass @ St. Joseph Church
11:30 am – Mass @ St. Joseph Hospital Chapel
January 24
12:15 pm – Mass @St. Bernard Church
January 25
3:15 pm – Confessions @ St. Joseph Church
4:00 pm – Mass @ St. Joseph Church
January 26
7:30 am Mass @ St. Joseph Church
9:00 am – Mass in English @ Sacred Heart Church
10:30 am – Mass @ St. Bernard Church
12:15 pm – Mass in Spanish @ Sacred Heart Church
Catholic News
We have created links to the best Catholic news sites so that you can keep current in the latest national and international Catholic news.
America: The Jesuit Review
Our flagship magazine is the leading Catholic journal of opinion in the United States. First published in 1909, America magazine is known across the Catholic world for its unique brand of opinion and analysis. From theology and spirituality to politics, international relations, arts and letters, and the economy and social justice, America’s coverage spans the globe. We tell the stories that matter most to the church and the world. Our award-winning website is americamagazine.org.
Catholic News Service
Catholic News Service has a rich history of journalistic professionalism and is a leader in the world of Catholic and religious media. With headquarters in Washington, offices in New York and Rome, and correspondents around the world, CNS provides the most comprehensive coverage of the church today.
And in the digital age, CNS is showing a new audience the accuracy that has always been its hallmark with its video journalism and documentary production.
Vatican News
Vatican News is the news portal of the Holy See. Surpassing the concept of being a simple digital platform, Vatican News seeks to respond and, in a certain sense, to anticipate the continual changes taking place in communication, with the objective of “communicating the Gospel of mercy to all people” in various cultures. It communicates and interacts through audio, video, text and images on a multi-lingual, multi-culture, multi-channel, multi-media and multi-device plain.
Catholic News Videos
Pope Francis publishes his autobiography.
Pope Francis appears with his arm immobilized after a fall at Casa Santa Marta.
The Pope Video
As we embark on this Jubilee year, Pope Francis reminds us of an urgent need: the right to education for all children and youth.
Today we’re experiencing an “educational catastrophe.” This is no exaggeration. Due to wars, migration, and poverty, some 250 million boys and girls lack education.
All children and youth have the right to go to school, regardless of their immigration status.
Education is a hope for everyone – it can save migrants and refugees from discrimination, criminal networks, and exploitation…. So many minors are exploited! It can help them integrate into the communities who host them.
Education opens the doors to a better future. In this way, migrants and refugees can contribute to society, either in their new country or in their country of origin, should they decide to return.
And let’s never forget that whoever welcomes the foreigner, welcomes Jesus Christ.
et us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a more human world, might always be respected.
By the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostolate of Prayer and the Eucharistic Youth Movement): https://www.popesprayer.va/
The Pope Video: https://thepopevideo.org/ In collaboration with Vatican Media: www.vaticannews.va/en and with the Jesuit Refugee Service (https://jrs.net/ | https://www.jrsusa.org/)
RCIA: An Invitation to Satisfy Our Deepest Longing
The human heart seems ultimately to manifest itself in the desire to be loved and to love in return. Until then, as St. Augustine said, our hearts are restless until they rest in God who is Love. As Catholic Christians, we are privileged to share God’s love through Mass, the Sacraments and how we live our life.
Do you know someone thirsting for God? Do you know someone not baptized or baptized in a different Christian tradition thirsting to know what it means to be Catholic? Do you know someone already Catholic but who has not yet received the Eucharist or been confirmed? They may be thirsting, too.The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a place to ask questions and seek understanding. Weekly “no strings” inquiry gatherings will be held at 7 pm on Tuesday evenings beginning in September. We would love for you to invite/accompany anyone you know whose heart is restless for the God who loves them.
For more information, please contact Liz McGee (707-599-6138) or contact the rectory office. stbshrcia25@gmail.com.
Simple Daily Ways To Practice Your Faith
A simple way to start your day.
Check it out on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/sacredhearteureka
Text Scam Returns – Do Not Respond
Another Text Scam supposedly from Fr. Bernard or other priests asking for favors, money, gift cards etc. has been going around.
Please disregard. Do not respond!
We Have A Prayer Team
If you have a special need of any sort, we have a prayer team who will pray on your behalf. Let us pray with you, and for you. Surround yourself with prayer.
Call our prayer line leader Toni 24/7 at (707) 445-361six
Avoid These Online Scams Directed At Catholics
With the prevalence of easy-to-access technology and the vast variety of ways people communicate these days, the pervasiveness of people who make it their mission to scam people out of money using digital trickery is only increasing. We collected some of the most common scams that are directed specifically toward Catholics as well as how to identify and avoid them in order to protect yourself from online criminals.
Catholic Apps
CatholicApps.com was created in response to the call to evangelization from Saint John Paul II, and then continued on through Pope Benedict, and of course the call for deeper evangelization from Pope Francis. We aim to review, and share a lot of catholic appsthat can help you deepen your own Catholic faith, or share unique Catholic apps that allow you to share and evangelize your faith with family, friends, and anyone you have a relationship with.